
...just used the ROX-Destopexternal link for a while. And then I feeled that I needed a Menu, so downloaded ROX-Menuexternal link. Its a great program, but I missed the icons which I used in ROX-Filer. So i modified it a little bit and ended up adding (hopefully full?) ROX-theme support. And I went on adding new features to the Programg, maybe you like them... Please, don't blame the original/former maintainer of ROX-Menu (Peter Geer) for any bugs in my versions.



(see attachments for files)

  • v. 1.0.2b (24.11.2004)
    • Bugfix Release. Removed bug which doubles the ROX-Filer button everytime something changed in directory (Thanks to Denis for the Bugreport). Splitted Options to sort Menu Items and Submenu Entrys (Files and Dirs). Added Option to use Date of link for sorting instaed of File the link refers to.
  • v. 1.0.2 (23.11.2004)
    • Added a Option to change the way ROX-Menu sorts it entrys. Now you can sort it by modification date too. Now you have the Option to show a 'Open Rox-Filer' Button to open the recent ROX-Menu directory in ROX-Filer.
  • v. 1.0.1-themed (13.9.2004)
    • Added support for user-specified icons used by ROX-Filer, i.e. the ones stored as paths in that one XML file. Now it honors ROX icon themes. Removed caching of icons, don't know if this is a really good idea, we'll see.

Screenshots (yeah!)

and so it looks on my desktop


Thanks go to Peter Geer for the original program, I only had to do minor changes to get the things done - and hopefully did it the right way. -->original source of ROX-Menuexternal link.

Created by: rene last modification: Saturday 05 of August, 2006 [11:19:34 UTC] by admin

The original document is available at